The world has a lot on it’s plate, and it certainly isn’t vegan friendly! As a team, our goal is to contribute to public and planetary health by committing to the following:


Green Seed aims to empower pregnancies and parents with science-led nutritional guidance on vegan and plant-based lifestyles, so that they are able to raise healthy families with confidence.


Green Seed plans to approach healthcare providers and educate professionals on how to support vegan and plant-based families, as well as sharing opportunities to promote the health benefits of a plant-based diet.


By empowering families and educating healthcare professionals, Green Seed endeavors to strengthen and initiate equal opportunities for vegan and plant-based individuals and their families.


Introducing Charlotte . . .

. . . Hello everyone, my name is Charlotte - I am the Founder of Green Seed and am raising my beautiful little boy on a plant-based diet!

Moved by the ethical stance of veganism, I transitioned to this way of life in 2016 (three years before my pregnancy) and had no real comprehension of nutrition at all. Since starting my little family, understanding health and nutrition has naturally become a very big priority and I knew I needed to educate myself. However, during my pregnancy and early days of motherhood, I really struggled to access relevant support and information from my healthcare team regarding raising a vegan family. Amongst the disabling isolation of motherhood during covid lock-down, my mental health was already stretched without even considering the stress of navigating plant-based nutrition from scratch all by myself.

On social media, I noticed the struggle of other vegan and plant-based parents - the same questions appearing again and again, asking about: nutrition, supplements, infant formulas, weaning etc. Then there were the stories about family members and healthcare professionals condemning the choice to raise children vegan. It was after witnessing all of this that I knew that our community desperately needed help.

Now as a Nutritional Therapist in training, I am building this platform to not only support our families with plant-based nutrition, but to empower those of us with the reminder that what we are doing for our children and the planet is not only acceptable, but truly amazing.

Welcome to Green Seed.